
Coffee In The Morning Benefits You

Why you should drink coffee every morning? Do you like coffee? 

1. It helps to reduce the symptoms of parkingson's desease
- accroding to Ronal Postuma, MD. the people who use caffeine less likely to develop
parkingson's desease.

2. Lessen the development of liver cirrhosis

3. It is antidepressant

4. For woman, it can reduce the chances of getting skin cancer.

5. Can increase fatty acid for athlete.
- Many Scientist and athlete know that the caffeine can burn fats for fuel and give them more power especially if your a triathlete

6. Can reduce developing of type 2 diabetes.
- The american chemical society said that if you drink four or more cups of coffee a day, it can reduce 50 percent of developing type 2 diabetes.

7. It has a chance of delaying or reducing your risk of Alzheimer's.

8. Coffe can make you intelligent
- Michael Lemonick of TIME reporter says, “When you’re sleep-deprived and you take caffeine, pretty much anything you measure will improve: reaction time, vigilance, attention, logical reasoning — most of the complex functions you associate with intelligence.”

9.It makes you happy.

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