
8 Foods and Drinks That Cause Yellow Teeth

1. Black Tea
Black tea is full of tannins that promote teeth staining and it is considered one of the most problematic drinks for teeth discoloration.

2. Cola, Soda and ‘Sports’ Drinks
The phosphoric and citric acids in colas and many other sodas, along with their massive amounts of acidic sugar, all wear down tooth enamel.
While cola, with its ammonia based caramel coloring and significant acid levels is worse, even lightly colored sodas are acidic enough to damage the enamel of your teeth. Recent studies have also shown that many so-called ‘sports drinks’ have even higher levels of destructive acids than Pepsi or Coke.
3. Sugary Sweets
Hard candies and brightly colored sweets that you chew are a big problem for teeth staining, not just because of their high sugar content, but also because of the length of time they stay in your mouth.
The longer it is the more damage they can do to your teeth’s defenses and the general rule with these sweets, and any other foods and drinks on this list, is if it can stain your tongue, it’ll probably be slowly staining your teeth.
4. Red and White Wine
Red wine is well known teeth stainer due to its deeply colored polyphenols and tannins. White wine is also a problem as its tannins and acidic nature primes your tooth enamel for staining from any other of the foods and drinks on this list if you have them around the same time.condiments are  bad for your teeth
5. Curry and Other Sauces
Brightly colored sauces like curries and tomato sauce can attach to porous dental enamel so you probably don’t want to leave them sitting on your teeth for too long.
6. Condiments
Table condiments like soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and ketchup are believed to contribute to teeth staining and you’d definitely want to follow the simple suggestions coming up ahead after using any of these.
7. Fruit Juices
While not quite on a par with cola or bizarrely colored sports drinks, commercial fruit juices are actually much more acidic than most people realize and particularly the brightly colored ones are a problem if you want to keep your teeth white.
8. Brightly Colored Fruits and Vegetables
While very healthy for you, some fruits, berries and vegetables like pomegranates, blueberries and beet are loaded with strongly colored compounds such as polyphenols. These substances are very beneficial inside our bodies, but not so much on our teeth.
I am not saying that you can't have these foods and drinks, but to be aware what causes yellow teeth. And to prevent them, you can drink plenty of water after meal or drink and swirl it around your mouth to clear away any acids or staining compounds; and try and get more saliva into your mouth after eating and let it move over your teeth. It’s easy to do after a sip of water and saliva is your mouth’s natural defense against enamel erosion, staining and cavities.
Or you can do this.

Show them off with a SMILE. :)


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