
Awaken The Lover In You

Warm Bodies! :) Perhaps you are very familiar with this film.

If not, how could anyone missed the hotness of Nicholas Hoult?

But of course this post wasn’t about him.:)

Well I like this movie not just because of Nicholas Hoult but because there’s something I realized about love in this movie. Out from being a zombie it shows how love can heal and turn you into a loving human.

Well I guess most of us are like Zombies in Love. We are hungry for love. We want to receive love but we cannot give love because we are paralyzed by our own insensitivity and selfishness. Or the people we love are not responding to our love. It looks like they don’t care at all. My needs first rather than yours.

Scott Peck says the essence of love isn’t feelings but service. The opposite of love isn’t hatred; the opposite of love is laziness. I realized that many of us are lazy to give love but loves the idea of receiving love. But if we want to excel in our relationships we must overcome our laziness to give love.

But what is love? (1Corinthians 13:4-8)

Love is patient and kind

Even though many times we choose someone or something else yet God doesn’t walk out on our lives. He always wait.God is patient and kind. He waited 17 years for me to surrender my life to Him and until now he did not stop in pursuing and telling His great love for me.

He is kind for showing how much He loves us-it was while were still sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). When we mess up, God will still look for something good to look at and celebrate that part of us. God even call us His friends. (John 15:15) “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. “

Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

Jesus has same authority with God but chooses to submit in the will of His father. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. God did not boast despite that He can. Jesus love for us is total humility of God himself, that he left his status in His kingdom for us. When we love, we must humble ourselves to put our egos aside and treat others with high regards, so that we can listen to them and consider that we can learn from them.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

God is just and wise and He disciplines his people but He was never rude. God give us the benefit of the doubt despite of our flaws. Just like Him, we should treat the people we love with respect. We honor them despite of their flaws. We think and speak highly of them. We don’t judge them. We do not throw them under the bus. We remain loyal to them.

God is not self-seeking, He is others-seeking. God the Father wants to glorify the Son, the Son wants to glorify the Father; the Father wishes to reconcile us with Him and He does so because He overflows with love. He is constantly thinking of another. In any relationship, it should not be about who is right or who is wrong. Its not a competition of who is smarter or better. What is important is the person and the relationship itself.

Sometimes when we want to get our opinions across, we tend to be hard and harsh, but a gentle word and gentle tone is really more effective. Love is more effective. Jesus shows us that when you love, you put VALUE in your relationship with that person. They are high on your list of priorities that you are willing to SACRIFICE certain things for them, without asking for anything in return.

God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. (PSALMS 103:8). He is not easily angered because if He is probably I’m long dead and gone for many mistakes I’ve done. But He is a loving God, he chooses to forgive rather than to get angry.

The most dangerous decisions are made in the heat of anger. Anger makes us reckless and causes us to foolishly disregard the possible results of our actions. Only after we have cooled down do we recognize the damage we have done. When you find your heart is filled with rage, go immediately to God. Ask Him to remove the anger from your heart and to replace it with patience, forgiveness and love.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Real love does not lie, cheat, or deceive. It rejoices with the truth. Because Love celebrates Godliness. Love does not tolerate wrongdoing. There is a big difference between loving someone and tolerating his or her wrongdoing. True love does not delight in evil—it confronts sin. When we truly love someone, we do not turn a blind eye towards his or her sin but confront it with God’s Word.

When you love, you exercise open communication by allowing yourself to be honest, to be who you are, risking vulnerability, but also being ready to receive affection, encouragement, blessing and even correction.

Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
God always protect. His Word is one of the ways by which He covers us. His word can help you remove anything that is hindering your relationship with Him, any addiction or influence that’s stealing your affections and turning your heart away from Him.

When you love, you value Trust. You speak the truth kindly and work at being worthy of trust. It manifests in your willingness to talk, to exchange thoughts, learn, to agree to disagree, to forgive and make peace. Jesus remains loyal and faithful to us despite of unfaithfulness to Him. He desires open and honest communication between us. He sacrificed His life so we could have a personal relationship with Him and receive a life in eternity. He was willing to endure all the suffering because He is fully committed to love us completely, continually and unconditionally.

Love is enduring. You endure by persevering. You commit to persevere even through the hurt, the disagreements, the fights and anger. You look beyond feelings and offenses. You forgive. You work at building the relationship, not tearing it down. Because love hopes for restoration of relationships. Love never gives up.

All of these is God’s character for He is Love.

“God is patient, God is kind. He does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud. He does not dishonor others, He is not self-seeking, He is not easily angered, He keeps no record of wrongs. He does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I thank God that His love doesn’t depend on what we do, past, present, or future. His love doesn’t depend on your character but on His character.

And when you give love, let’s not wait for the feeling to act lovingly and let’s not expect instant response from the people you love. In due time, they will “get it” and respond to your love.

LOVE is not as simple and as easy as it seems. But I know that LOVE is the sweetest even when we least feel like it and received even when we least deserve it.

"Do the most important thing in the world. Build your relationships. And be happy.God will move your heart to enable you to make a difference in the world today!"

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