
Selling carve chicken burger into meteorite for $20,000

The planet earth has many collectibles and valuable things like gold, silver and ancient items. Many collectors are willing to pay a huge price for this especially to the most impressive and rare specimen.

One of them is Rock, Yes - The rock coming from outer-space is one of collectible items.

The KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken ), apparently this massive food chain is interested in getting into business and put a meteorite up for sale online.

This KFC meteorite weight nine and half pounds and height of six inches across and almost four inches tall. The said item is a genuine space rock, so the company hired three artist to carve it into a fried chicken burger
( The artist named Haley, Scott and Mike )

“This one-of-a-kind meteorite is a real, space-made meteorite from space,” KFC explained.

“Sculpted by the harsh elements that exist in the vastness of space (and then later by three artists named Haley, Scott, and Mike), this Zinger chicken sandwich-shaped meteorite has all the Zinger chicken sandwich-shaped details you’ve come to expect from the Zinger chicken sandwich. Don’t miss your chance to own this very significant and very heavy piece of chicken sandwich space travel history.”

This item will cost around $20,000 US, it is not surprise the price is huge because even the small rock can make a thousand bucks.

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