
Share Your Happiness

"Once a group of 50 people was attending a seminar. Suddenly the speaker stopped and decided to do a group activity. He started giving each one a balloon. Each one was asked to write his/her name on it using a marker pen. Then all the balloons were collected and put in another room.

Now these delegates were let in that room and asked to find the balloon which had their name written, within 5 minutes. Everyone was frantically searching for their name, colliding with each other, pushing around others and there was utter chaos.

At the end of 5 minutes no one could find their own balloon. Now each one was asked to randomly collect a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it.
Within minutes everyone had their own balloon.

The speaker began exactly this is happening in our lives. Everyone is frantically looking for happiness all around, not knowing where it is.

Our happiness lies in the happiness of other people. Give them their happiness; you will get your own happiness.
And this is the purpose of human life.

Is this not what you are looking for?"

The returning to its owner does not necessarily mean returning belongings to the owner can make them happy, it is just an example portraying give and take relationship. When you give way for others to find or to have their happiness then surely yours will also be given to you. True happiness is within ones self, but the greatest happiness is when you share it to others.

People always seem like they need things or reasons to be happy but all those things and reasons can be taken away. God is enough reason to make you happy and nobody can take it away from you. So, better start to build a personal relationship with Him. Happiness is an inside job, if you depend on outside things for it you will never find peace and true happiness.

This also portrays greediness. If one is not greedy enough to find his own balloon, he  can give the balloon that comes his/her way to the owner. So, the lesser balloons get, the faster he/she can find his own. Anyway, it's not a competition as to who gets his/her balloon first.

Lesson learned... HELP ONE ANOTHER.

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