
Top Deadly Insect that can kill you

Living a life to the fullest is good thing but ,did you know there are many small things that can make your life in danger?Yes, small living things like insects. Here are the list of insects that can kill your happy life.

Bullet antBullet Ant is also known as Paraponera clavata. This ant can be found in rainforest of Ncaragua and Paranguay. The bite of this insect can cause the target feel like being shot.Hundreds of members live in each colony and the burrow can be found at the base of the tree.They release nasty smell to drive predator away sometimes they would attack together using the powerful sting

Bot flyThe Bot flies are part of the family called Oestridae. Larvae is their deadliest asset that can enter your skin.The Bot flies larvae can live beneath human skin by entering open wounds. This is also the internal parasite for mammals.When the female bot flies laid egg within the skin of mammals.The larvae can live 60 days or more within the skin same as the human skin. Once the eggs develop it will leaves out of the body. The most common infections are called " Myiosis ".

Fleas One of the vampire insect. Not the actual vampire that sucked you dry. Fleas are external parasites that suck blood from both humans and animals. The bite can cause itching spots on the skin of victims. The female flea can lay up to 2000 eggs within their lifespan. This insect drinks blood that 15 times than their own body weight. The bite of fleas may also lead to infection.

Fire antsThere are 200 different species of fire ants. The sting of this fire ant are so painful and would cause a white pustule that last for weeks. Once the predator disturbed fire ants they will sting the intruder repeatedly. The venom of fire ants may result allergic reaction.

Kissing BugKissing bugs has a habit of biting the lip of human while they sleep. They transmit parasite called "Trypanosoma cruzi". This kissing bug decease can kills 12000 people every year. It has also other name called "Chagas disease" that can cause  fever, fatigue, body aches, muscle pain, headache, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Giant Japanese Hornet - This Giant Japanese Hornet is the largest of its kind. They can grow up to 2 inches in size. The toxic release by this insect can dissolve tissues within the short amount of time. If you receive sting  many times it could result in death.Japanese hornets are aggressive in nature. 

Tsetse FliesThis flies is a deadliest biting insect native of Africa. They inject powerful toxic to each sting that caused a half million people lost their life in Africa. In the first stage of its venom, The victim would have a sleeping sickness eventually can lead to death without proper treatment.

Killer beesA very dominant and aggressive insects in the world. The killer bees are consisting of hundreds or thousands of members.
Like other bees, The target will be attacked in group. The toxin releases by this bee are not that dangerous but an attack by group could lead to death. Once this killer bee disturbed, they become alert and attack any animals or humans within their range.

Driver AntsDriver Ants can reach up to 22million members each colony.This large colony can make the elephant run away if they attack altogether. This ant is like a medieval period, They raid other nest for food and kill them using a powerful jawbone.

Mosquitoes Mosquito are the carrier of malaria germs that causes one million death per year . WHO reported that 500 million cases are affected of malaria every year . Malaria is a blood transmitting disease which the mosquito carries to transfer to its victim. Mosquito also spreads dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis and west Nile virus.

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