
Knowing Marijuana

Cannabis, also known as marijuana,  is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug and as medicineThe active ingredient in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.

Marijuana is a very controversial issue with a lot of information being spread around, both for and against it. The truth about marijuana needs to be brought to light so that people can decide, with an educated opinion, whether or not the positive effects of marijuana out weigh the negative.

The positive effect findings from my first source were fairly typical for what one may have heard about the drug. Some of which being: feeling relaxed, feeling happy, getting munchies (could also be considered negative), increased enjoyment of music and art, more appreciation of the surroundings, forgetting cares and worries, better imagination and visualization, increased creativity, as well as more enjoyment of sexual activity and increased feelings of excitement.

The negative effects findings were also pretty typical for what one may have heard which would include: being forgetful, over sleeping, not getting things done, concentration difficulties, neglecting work or duties, loss of balance or dizziness, problems with performing tasks, and nausea. The effects are felt as soon as the THC enters the bloodstream and last from 1-3 hours. Absorption of THC is slower if marijuana is ingested, typically producing effects 30 minutes to an hour after exposure and lasting up to 4 hours. Marijuana increases the heart rate, relaxes and enlarges bronchial passages, and dilates the blood vessels in the eyes, which may cause them to appear bloodshot. THC causes dopamine release, which produces euphoria. Colors and sounds may seem more intense, time may appear to pass more slowly, and pleasant sensations may be experienced. Dry mouth is common, as are intense thirst and hunger. After the euphoria passes, a user may feel sleepy or depressed. Some users experience anxiety or panic.

"If you supports the legalization of Marijuana, use it wisely."


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