
What's Inside Madona Biopic ' Blond AMbition ' And Can She Stop It?

Most scripts on the Black List - an annual ranking of Hollywood's best unproduced screenplays, voted upon by the people who read them (many of them agency and studio assistants) - remain just that: unproduced.

But not always. Certainly landing in first place on the list doesn't hurt. Such was the case with Blond Ambition: The biopic from first-time screenwriter Elyse Hollander about Madonna's rise to fame earned 48 votes on the 2016 list, 13 nods ahead of the second-place entry from veteran scribe Dan Fogelman (This Is Us). 

The script impressed Universal enough to snatch up the property, with two major producers - Michael De Luca and Brett Ratner  - attached. Still, no director has yet been attached and the film is not yet an official green light.

Definitely not on board, however, is Madonna herself. The singer has posted several Instagram messages denouncing the project. In the first, posted just hours after The Hollywood Reporter broke the news of the project on Tuesday, she writes, "Nobody knows what I know and what I have seen. Only I can tell my story. Anyone else who tries is a charlatan and a fool."

On Wednesday, a copy of the script now in hand, her criticism crew more pointed and personal. "Why would Universal Studios want to make a movie about me based on a script that is all lies???" she writes. "The writer Elyse Hollander should write for the tabloids."

As an example of the script's inaccuracies, Madonna singled out a line of dialogue on the first page, in which Madonna tells Dick Clark in an interview on American Bandstand, "I was born in Detroit. I'm a famed high school dropout."

"I was born in Bay City, not Detroit. And I did not drop out of high school. In fact, I went to University of Michigan," Madonna counters. But Hollander took that exchange directly from the actual American Bandstand broadcast, as evidenced by this YouTube video. (Perhaps that is why Madonna later deleted the second Instagram post.)


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